WDG's CSS Help file in full release


The Web Design Group's CSS Help file has been released and is available
for download from:  http://www.htmlhelp.com/distribution/

This is a complete offline reference guide to the CSS1 specs, fully
hyperlinked both internally as well as to Internet resources.  

The WDG would welcome feedback on this help file, especially from Win
3.1 users, as to the functionality of the product.  Additionally, if
there is anyone who would volunteer to compile a Mac based version we
would be grateful.

As always, this help file is freeware and may be distributed according
to the guidelines at:  http://www.htmlhelp.com/distribution/guidelines/.

Take care,


John Pozadzides    W e b  D e s i g n  G r o u p
john@htmlhelp.com       http://www.htmlhelp.com/

Received on Monday, 10 March 1997 03:53:43 UTC