CSS and HotDog

The HTML-Editor HotDog (version 3.0.19) seems to be one
of the first editing tools that supports style sheets.
The build in feature is even very comfortable.
But the generated syntax seems to be incorrect. The property
values are allways printed included in double quotes. 
In the specificatin (REC-CSS1-961217) no quotation marks are used.
Here is an example of CSS-syntax as generated by HotDog:

<style type="text/css">

<!-- /* begin hiding style definitions from old shouser browsers. */

/* hotdog style name="test01" */
h1 {
font-family: "Arial";
font-size: "50pt";
line-height: "80pt";
font-weight: "bold";

/* End hiding */  -->


Now my Question: Is the HotDog-CSS syntactically correct?
If this topic has been discussed before, please send the answer
directly to me instead of posting it to the list. Thanks.

Joachim Schwarte
Antworten an: schwarte@iwb.uni-stuttgart.de (wird taeglich gelesen)
oder: joachim.schwarte@t-online.de (wird beinahe taeglich gelesen)
Tel. priv: 0711/2851637   Tel. Buero: 0711/6852741
Anrufbeantworter privat: 0711/2851638   FAX privat: 0711/2851639
WWW: http://iwb.uni-stuttgart.de/  und:
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snail-mail: Dr.-Ing. Joachim Schwarte; Werastr. 71; D-70190 Stuttgart

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 1997 17:48:25 UTC