Re: Javascript Enabled Style Sheets vs. CSS

On Sun, 19 Jan 1997, Paul Ford wrote:

> Will someone compare and contrast between Netscape Communicator's
> Javascript-enabled Style Sheets and W3-endorsed Cascading Style Sheets?
> I'm baffled.
> What is the advantage of the new Netscape-specific style sheets? What
> functionality does J-ESS offer over CSS? Is anyone on this list planning
> to implement sites with J-ESS?

I think the big thing with "JSSS" is that values can change on the fly
because JSSS is an extension of JavaScript.  Thus, within a JavaScript you
could change a color or font size of an element based on some form of user

It's really hard for me to say anything about implementation because the
current "Prerelease" dosn't seem to support JSSS or CSS yet (but both are
promised in the full release).  I'll probably just stick to CSS.

> Paul Ford

--- Christopher Josephes -------------------------               Vector Internet

Received on Sunday, 19 January 1997 22:55:23 UTC