- From: Charles Peyton Taylor <CTaylor@wposmtp.nps.navy.mil>
- Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 10:15:04 -0800
- To: www-style@www10.w3.org
Just downloaded MSIE 3.0 for Macintosh. I didn't expect it to be much different from the beta, but was intrigued to find that it honors background specified from a <LINK>'ed style sheet. It also appears to honor "second choice" fonts ( given a list "font-family : font1, font2" if font1 is not available font2 will be used) but it doesn't seem to honor generic fonts (the one I tested was "sans-serif".) C h a r l e s P e y t o n T a y l o r ctaylor@nps.navy.mil The opinions and views expressed are my own and do not reflect those of the Naval PostGraduate School "Dreams are like water, colorless, and dangerous" http://vislab-www.nps.navy.mil/%7ectaylor/
Received on Wednesday, 8 January 1997 13:25:27 UTC