- From: <bloo@blooberry.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 01:24:31 -0800
- To: www-style@w3.org
Well, I spent some time this weekend getting to know Netscape's first implementation of CSS. It is better than I had hoped for an initial try, but it still a long way to go. Lack of class addressing and in-line style support really hurts (especially since all my existing test example files are in-line; had to do all tests manually.) This survey is meant to be a broad overview, and does not try hard to identify or document the idiosyncracies (individual bugs compared to CSS1 spec behavior) of this implementation. I also did not do much checking on proper inheritance or cascading behavior. Until we see a spec for JSS or 'official' Netscape CSS support documentation, this sort of thing may have to do... Notes: Tests performed on Win95 running on a Pentium system using Netscape Communicator Pro (32 bit.) In order for a feature or property to be considered 'supported', it had to obviously control expected display characteristics when property values were altered. The Bad: - Improper syntax (such as 'p { }' or 'p { foo }') will print out the style statement and other garbage at the top of the document. Not so destructive, but I discovered this fairly easily by accident - others probably will too. - The 'Text-Decoration' property has a default value of 'underline'. This looks like a bug, as it makes a value of 'none' into 'underline' (same with 'overline' too.) This makes control of hyperlink underlining impossible for now (see <URL: http://www.news.com> for example.) - STYLE for in-line style specification does not work. CSS1 Features Not Supported: - In-line styles (STYLE attribute) not supported - CLASS as selectors: use of CLASS kept yielding JavaScript errors (??) - Pseudo-classes and Pseudo Elements (yup, hyperlinks can not be controlled yet) - @import not supported - Measurement Units not supported: Inches, Centimeters, Picas, Points, X-height, Ems and percentages - Color Units: rgb(R,G,B) and rgb(r%,g%,b%) - Color and BG properties: * background-repeat * background-attachment * background-position * background (shorthand does not support properties listed above) - Font properties: * Font-size: xx-small => xx-large, larger/smaller not supported * Font-style: Oblique not supported (from the examples I tried) * Font-variant: Not supported * Font: Shorthand does not include Font-variant - Text properties: * Word-spacing: no * Letter-spacing: no * Text-decoration: 'overline' and 'none' are made in to underline effects. * Text-align: Justify not supported - Classification properties: * White-space: Nowrap not supported * All List-Style properties: Not supported. Includes list-style-type, list-style-position, list-style-image, and list-style shorthand properties. * Display: 'Block' produces break before the element, but not after. 'List-item' creates and indent, and 'none' turns off the element and everything else until a new block element is reached(?) - Margin Properties: * 'Margin' shorthand - Padding Properties: * 'Padding' shorthand - Border Properties: * None of them are supported. (Too many to mention) - Width & Height: Not supported with one exception (tried Images and rules as example) - Float: Not supported CSS1 Supported features: - External style sheets (LINK) - Document level style sheets (STYLE tag) - Declaration, and Selector grouping - Contextual, and ID selectors - Comments - CSS properties override default properties (unless otherwise specified?) - Default Units: Pixels (I think - hard for me to tell.) - Other Units: Millimeters (I may be wrong here) - Color Units: #rrggbb, #rgb, color-names - URL specification: Worked as expected - Color and BG properties: * color * background-color * background-image * background (shorthand only supports bgcolor and bgimage properties) - Font properties: * Font-size: only explicit sizes * Font-style: italic and normal supported * Font-weight: 100-900, normal/bold, bolder/lighter supported * Font-family: General and explicit names supported * Font: Shorthand supports all that the other properties support - Text properties: * Text-decoration: Underline, blink and linethrough (saw some odd linethrough behavior) * Text-transform * Text-align * Text-indent * Line-height - Classification properties: * White-space: Normal and Pre supported * Display: 'Inline' seems fine. Block, list-item, and none seem to act strangely (not as I expected) - Margin Properties: * Margin-left, Margin-right, Margin-top, and Margin-bottom - Padding Properties: * Padding-left, Padding-right, Padding-top, and Padding-bottom - Width & Height: Specifying width for HR works (but not on other elements.) Height does not. - Clear: Supported. This info should be integrated into the CSS section of my site <URL: http://www.blooberry.com/html/style/styleindex.htm> within a day or two and should serve as a good comparison against the CSS1 support found in MSIE 3.0x. Also mentioned in the release notes (I just noticed this) is the statement that 4.0 Beta 2 supports the "Positioning HTML Elements with Cascading Style Sheets" draft. I guess I will have to read up more on this... 8-} If anyone knows of any errors or omissions here, let me know. Thanks, -Brian Wilson 8-} Brian Wilson --------------------------"Those aren't Sex muffins! -Coach bloo@eskimo.com ------------------------Those aren't Love muffins! http://www.eskimo.com/~bloo ------------Those are just BLOOberry muffins!" Creator of Index DOT Html: http://www.eskimo.com/~bloo/html/intro.htm
Received on Tuesday, 25 February 1997 04:28:56 UTC