Re: Positioning HTML Elements with Cascading Style Sheets

On Feb 3,  6:19pm, Jon Bosak wrote:

> [Todd Fahrner:]
> | Effective scripting, much more so than effective table structure, is
> | very unlikely to be generated by a robust WYSIWYG authoring tool.
> Not necessarily.  PostScript is a programming language, and lots of
> robust WYSIWYG authoring tools generate it.

True. But I have only ever met one program that would read in arbitrary
PostScript (as opposed to special, essentially declarative subsets such
as Adobe Illustrator eps), let me graphically select and edit things,
and then save it back out again.

> It's a mistake to put DSSSL into the same bag as scripting languages.
> Yes, DSSSL is turing-complete; yes, it's a programming language.  But
> a script language (at least the way I use the term) is procedural;
> DSSSL very definitely is not.  DSSSL is entirely functional and
> entirely side-effect-free.  Nothing ever happens in a DSSSL
> stylesheet.  The stylesheet is one giant function whose value is an
> abstract, device-independent, nonprocedural description of the
> formatted document that gets fed as a specification (a declaration, if
> you will) of display areas to downstream rendering processes.

Jon, what an excellent and concise overview. Would you give permission
for a (duly attributed) quote on the W3C Style page.

> * Make every other paragraph in this sequence of paragraphs bold.  If
> I add a paragraph in the middle, automatically change all the bold
> paragraphs that follow it to medium and all the medium paragraphs that
> follow it to bold.

OK, that one is a style change. The others are structure or semantics
changes. Which doesn't mean they aren't desirable things to do, just
that they aren't the job of a style sheet.

Chris Lilley, W3C                          [ ]
Graphics and Fonts Guy            The World Wide Web Consortium              INRIA,  Projet W3C                       2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
+33 (0)4 93 65 79 87       06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 1997 13:36:23 UTC