Empty tag

I recently recieved my copy of a basic stylesheet book.
Much to my dismay I found that I have problems, I want to do a 
historically correct reproduction of a old book (1633) on the web. I'll 
eventually manage it with exact positioning etc. 

The problem is though that the manuscript mixes two different fonts for 
which I would use Garamond (new-font) and something called Old Schwaben 
(main-font). I thought that

<P class="main-font">text text text <DIV class="new-font">other text</DIV> 
text text</P> 

would be fine but this breaks the text around "other text". Then I thought 

<P class="main-font">text text text <EM class="new-font">other text</EM> 
text text</P>

which works in this case as I will point out that the page is meant to 
viewed with  the newest browsers. But it won't work in other instances as 
it may look very strange with <EM>.

Q: is there a <DIV> like solution that doesn't break the text? Apologies 
if I'm missing something obvious.

Martin S.
Martin Skjöldebrand <chimbis@bahnhof.se>
Member of HTML Writers Guild
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Received on Sunday, 28 December 1997 11:49:51 UTC