

I am posting this message on Håkon's suggestion. Electricité de
France (my company) [1] has submitted in october a specification called
STTS2 (Simple Tree Transformation Sheets 2) to W3C. Spec is
available in french & english on the w3c web site [2].

This specification allows to describe a set of transformation rules
one can apply to a HTML (w/o styles) document to turn it into a
HTML+CSS document.

The format of transformation rules is very similar to CSS2 and STTS2
selectors are adapted from last CSS2 draft selector (i.e. not
the last public version).

STTS 2 include the CSSize software, proof of concept, freely available
at [3]. It is, with this software, very easy to remove deprecated
elements or attributes in a HTML document, eventually transform them
and add corresponding styles, in a STYLE attribute or even element.
Current version is a beta : 1.0b1

Planned enhancements of STTS/CSSize for the future are

1. compliance with CSS 2 selectors, eventually extended, after
   CSS 2 final release
2. DOM level 1 api
3. content insertion (structural data and PCDATA)
4. CSS rules and/or properties factorization

2, 3 and 4 are already in progress.

CSSize also includes a tiny HTML normalizer. CSSize has been successfully
used on our corporate web site to deliver CSS compliant documents
translated 'on the fly' from pure HTML 3.2 documents w/o styles at all.

[1] http://www.edf.fr/
[2] http://www.w3.org/Submission/1997/16/
[3] http://lara0.exp.edf.fr/glazman/CSSize/cssize.en.htm

/* Enjoy ! */

PS: Merry Xmas, Joyeux Noël, God Jul, Hyvää Joulua, Feliz Navidad

Received on Wednesday, 17 December 1997 04:18:50 UTC