Re: Numbering with "display: list-item" + list item border

> found, use it.. If it is not found, it would just take an index of a
> child within its parent..

Likely we will implement the numbering as such with an unknown CSS 
style.  There is no reason why internally any number of extra items 
can be put into the CSS tree.
> My view of the process is based (AFAIK) on the model presented in
> the CSS2 document. html source -> tree structure -> tree structure
> with style info -> (rendered) box tree. If I misunderstood
> something, I would glad to be corrected..

In our third step the style info includes only that of overriden 
styles specific to each element.  From there will create a strict 
internal style tree applying the style sheets and overriden styles, 
etc...  From the style tree the box rendering is done.
| Mortar: Advanced Web Development <>
| Neil St.Laurent                  <>
| Big Picture Multimedia

Received on Tuesday, 9 December 1997 11:29:57 UTC