RE: Correct handling of blank space?

On Friday, December 05, 1997 1:45 PM, Space Cowboy [] 
> The question is, what size is a UA supposed to display a box when it's
> not filled to it's size? In this case, NN4 displays some white text with
> a black highlight that says "Hello." at the top and nothing else. I need
> it to be bigger, and it seems that I can do it correctly. Is this the
> browser's fault or a hole in CSS?

Your example looks like a implementation error.  As per 11.1.3, "The width 
of an absolutely positioned element's box is specified with the 'width' 
property.".  Since you did specify this, it should be exactly what you said 
it should be.  IE4 render this correctly.

Andrew n marshall
  student - artist - programmer
      "Everyone a mentor,  Everyone a pupil"

Received on Friday, 5 December 1997 18:26:30 UTC