Re: Backwards compatibility of new selectors

Chris Lilley wrote:
>They are not Netscapisms. They are an attempt to produce the richer
>selection mechanisms that designers often ask us for, while retaining
>the possibility of a fast and memory-efficient progressively rendering
>CSS implementation

Well, they looked like ad hocisms to me, but it may simply be that I did not
understand the description of the syntax in 6.6 and responded impulsively.

>Yes, folks seem to want a better bracketing mechanism

Thanks to Neil St.Laurent's pseudo-language representation, I now see the
logic to the bracketing mechanism, but I'm afraid the description in 6.6
still seems obscure to me. Consider the initial description of syntax: "a
forward slash ("/") precedes the first selector and immediately [follows]
the second selector. The sequential selector matches if the element matched
by the first selector precedes the element matched by the second selector,
and both have the same parent." (I assumed the missing "follows".) If that's
taken literally, then this simple declaration:

  /DIV P/ {...}

would apply to every sibling P element following a DIV element, e.g.:

<DIV>This DIV precedes two Ps.</DIV>
<P>A DIV precedes this P and has the same parent.</P>
<P>A DIV precedes this P and has the same parent.</P>

I don't believe that's the intention.

>Tilde means a "closer/nearer" operator, regardless of context. Perhaps
>that wasn't explained so well.

Others seem to agree it is not clear.

6.5 and 6.6 should be incorporated into 6.4 as subsections.

David Perrell

Received on Thursday, 4 December 1997 17:07:30 UTC