CSS color specs

I feel strongly that you should add a more human-understandable color
specification to the Cascading Style Sheet specification.  I hear that
you are considering the HSL model of color spec.  I think that this
spec is significantly more understandable by humans which will save
countless thousands of person-hours around the globe in attempting to
decipher color specs in CSS scripts.  And it will only cost a few
person-hours at most to implement the additional color model.

Please make the right choice and take into account the human aspect
of script writing and reading.

+Rick Chimera    

Rick "Carm" Chimera             | office:  305 S. Craig Street, Suite 100
Wisdom Technologies Corporation |  voice:  1.412.688.8781 x240
414 S. Craig Street, Suite 304  |    fax:  1.412.268.6298
Pittsburgh, PA 15213    USA     |  email:  carm@wisdomcorp.com
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 do not necessarily represent those of my employer, my computer/internet
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This message (c)Copyright 1997, Rick Chimera.  All rights reserved.  Really.

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 1997 10:33:20 UTC