RE: Cascading Style Sheets

>> .. Because it makes much more sense for users. Compare for example,
>> trying to specify a color such as "pink" using RGB vs HLS. With HLS,
>> it is easy to think of pink as a somewhat lighened and desaturated
>> red. Now try describing the same color using RBG: how much blue and
>> green must be added, and red reduced to obtain pink?
>Well, there is an inherent problem with what you said.  Great I may
>know how to increase read to become pink under HLS, but the problem
>no lies in determining what Red is?

   Agreed.  My guess is that it's zero degrees, based on my work with
Photoshop.  However, do I know where yellow is?  How about green?  (The
answer in both cases is "no.")

>I another color model is added I'd hope that it would be in line with
>L*a*b rather than anything else, since if I recall correctly, this
>model is capable of representing the widest range of colors.

   Sure, why not?  Whether these are useful to everyone in the world is
beside the point.  I can mostly think in RGB, but not everyone can.  The
more ways we have to specify colors, the better, if you ask me.  So why not
put HLS and LAB (and whatever else) in front of the Working Group and find
out what survives, and what gets postponed?
   Never mind the fact that we're pretty much stuck with the 216-color
"Web-safe" palette for the forseeable future...

Eric A. Meyer  -  -
 Hypermedia Systems Manager
 Digital Media Services      
 Case Western Reserve University

Received on Monday, 1 December 1997 14:37:15 UTC