Re: colours for bullets

In message "colours for bullets", writes:

> Hi,
> Christopher Kho wrote:
> > For leaner code? I would still like to see <LI COLOR> anyway, along with the
> > style sheet implementation so both can be used.
> In this case you must do it completely right and define:
> <LI COLOR="#" SIZE=""> or alternatively use images instead of Bullets:
> <LI img=""> or <LI src="pic.gif" alt=""..> and so on...
> I don't know, if I like the idea.

So are you saying that because the style sheet implementation allows for 
images and size definitions for bullets, they must also be defined for the 
HTML tag as well? I suppose you could do it that way as well...

Received on Tuesday, 15 April 1997 10:36:29 UTC