Re: colours for bullets

Dan Connolly wrote:
> Hmmm... it's not clear to me that the color of the 'disc' can
> be specified in CSS1.
> Can anybody come up with actual syntax that works?

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/css">
UL   { list-style: disc outside; color: red }
SPAN { color: black }
<LI><SPAN>here is item one</SPAN>
<LI><SPAN>here is item two</SPAN>

A bit clumsy, but it works.

Content markup would be cleaner if there were a 'marker-color' property
that determines the color of disc | circle | square | decimal |
lower-roman | upper-roman | lower-alpha | upper-alpha.

Of course, if we have marker color, then we should surely have
'marker-font-family', 'marker-font-weight', 'marker-font-size',
'marker-font-style', 'marker-font-variant', and
'marker-text-decoration' (we shouldn't have to use an animated gif to
get blinking bullets!).



Value: <color>
Initial: Same as list-item color
Applies to: elements with 'display' value 'list-item'
Inherited: yes
Percentage values: N/A

This property is used to determine the color of the list-item marker if
'list-style-image' is 'none' or if the image pointed to by the URL
cannot be displayed. 

  OL { marker-color: red }       /* red alphanumeric markers */
  UL { marker-color: rgb(0,0,255 }   /* blue graphical markers */

with similar declarations for other properties.

David Perrell

Received on Monday, 14 April 1997 15:50:46 UTC