Re: indents

At 9:02 AM -0500 4/10/97, Chris Josephes wrote:

> While it probably isn't going to be more efficient than a DIV tage, why
> not try this....
> <p class=firstpar>This is the first paragraph
> </p>
> <p>This is the second paragraph
> </p>
> And then throw in the necessary styles to differentiate the two.

I think that's the problem - you can't apply a style sheet to existing
(orthodox) HTML to produce this commonly-desired rendering. You have to
resort to markup. A lot hinges on this - very few people use the H1
element, for instance, because in order to differentiate six levels of
heirarchy beneath it when even simple paragraphs are separated with a whole
blank line, you have to make H1 frighteningly huge. It gets worse from

What we need is a P:initial pseudoclass.


Has anybody else determined what IE4's em value is derived from? I notice
that it does not depend on the actual font in use, or is at least not
recalculated when the base font size changes. I think it should be. Others?

Todd Fahrner

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--El Lissitzky, 1923

Received on Thursday, 10 April 1997 12:59:06 UTC