Problem using frames....

We are beginner in using frames, and we are not very skilled about that.
We have got a problem that perhaps someone could have already found and

Browsing some documents in frames, we cannot use the Back and Forward
in the ToolBar because they are turned off.

Furthermore, the Location URL in Location field doesn't change but
always is displayed the first one (tipically the HomePage URL).
We would like to see the current document URL location.

Is there a way to solve the two problems? 

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards

Fabio Preda
Antonio Barillari

             ITALTEL SpA - A STET and Siemens Company
                Design Methodologies & Tools Labs
 Name   :  Fabio Preda                    Phone  (+39.2) 43887825
 E-mail :               Fax    (+39.2) 43888593
 Address:  Palazzo Quadrifoglio - CLTE (C01)
           Via Reiss Romoli
           20019 Castelletto di Settimo Milanese
           Milano (ITALY)

Received on Friday, 4 October 1996 04:05:20 UTC