Re: Relative weight - reader vs. author styles

Yes. You have the right idea. Most web users won't want or need
any special style sheets, but could take advantage of UA default

Those of us who do want to tinker with style sheets could create
our own and load them, assuming UAs allow this. I envision it could
be something like the way bookmarks are treated in Navigator: there
could be a growing list of style sheets that were edited or saved
by the user. Imagine being able to save a style sheet from a web
page you encountered, give it a friendly name, and be able to apply
it later to other web pages. 

I agree that rather than haggle over combining author's styel sheets
and user's style sheets, most users would simply want complete
precedence of their own or complete acceptance of the author's
(or UA default, if they are really uninterested).

It seems to me that all of this discussion thus asks UA developers
to add capabilities to their browsers (just as Mosaic offerred users
the ability to change the appearance of all tags). It might not
really be a CSS1 issue at all, the more I think about it. That is,
CSS1 can still develop its ideas of precedence and parsing.... AND
UA developers can offer users the ability to use author's, user's
or default style sheets independently rather than combining them
and following CSS1 rules of precedence.

 William I. Johnston
 Watertown, MA   USA

"We should work toward a universal linked information
 system, in which generality and portability are more
 important than fancy graphics techniques and complex
 extra facilities."
                        --Tim Berners-Lee, March 1989

Received on Saturday, 16 November 1996 21:13:35 UTC