Re: Inheritance of column attributes

   From: Hakon Lie <>
|   Scott E. Preece writes:
|    > for purposes of inheritance of attributes and determining context
|    > for stylesheet-entry selection, a TH or TD is a descendant of both the
|    > TR in which it occurs and the COLGROUP and COL defining the column in
|    > which it occurs, with the COLGROUP and COL being considered more
|    > specific than the TR.
|   So you're not too interested in inheritance (i.e. the values that are
|   passed down the tree), but would like to do context sensitive
|   addressing based on COL and COLGROUP? E.g.:
|    COL.hilite TD { background: yellow }
|   which would win over:
|    TR.hilite TD { background: pink }

Yes, the things I think are most important are (1) that the TD or TH
inherit the CLASS of the COL or COLGROUP and (2) that the ID of thte COL
and COLGROUP be visible for context sensitivity.

|   This makes sense. The question is how much it will complicate
|   implementations. Currently, CSS only require the parser/formatter to
|   keep one stack of open elements. Within tables, they would now have to
|   keep two stacks.

Again, it seems to me that they already have to do that to figure out
the rules around a cell.


scott preece
motorola/mcg urbana design center	1101 e. university, urbana, il   61801
phone:	217-384-8589			  fax:	217-384-8550
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Received on Thursday, 25 January 1996 09:19:50 UTC