
Paul Haeberli at SGI has a proposal for font propagation and use on the 
web [1].  While his proposal puts the functionality in yet more HTML 
tags, I think it would be pretty easy to take his parameters and make 
them style sheet semantics.  Is anyone interested in doing that?  It's 
definitely too much for CSS1, but perhaps by CSS2... anyways, I'll be 
mentioning this to him, but I thought the opportunity to get input from 
the font community in the style sheet efforts should be pursued.

(BTW, I couldn't get his java app to work either)


[1] http://reality.sgi.com/grafica/webfonts/

brian@organic.com  brian@hyperreal.com  http://www.[hyperreal,organic].com/

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 1996 20:24:53 UTC