Initial Draft --Cascaded Speech Style Sheets

Here is a first-cut at a draft specification for speech stylesheets.


<!--$Id: speech-spec.html,v 1.4 1996/02/13 00:30:19 raman Exp $
Description: Cascading Style Sheets For Aural Presentations
Author: T. V. Raman <>
Keywords: Speech, Audio, Rendering Styles -->
<title>Style Sheets For Producing Aural  Renderings</title>
<Author> T. V. Raman <br>
<A mailto=""></a>

<h1>Style Sheets For Producing Spoken Renderings</h1>

This document defined style-sheet extensions that add property-value
definitions specific to aural renderings.
This initial specification attempts to define properties that will be general
while at the same time allowing browser implementors maximal flexibility in
exploiting the features provided by different auditory displays.  As the
functionality provided by such displays becomes standardized this
specification will evolve to encompass the features they provide.

Note that <em>speech</em> style-sheets  play the dual role of specifying how a
document should be rendered aurally to a user who is functionally blind,
i.e. is not currently looking at a visual display, 
and may also specify how a visual rendering should be augmented with sound
cues to provide a truly multimodal rendering.

<H2>Design Philosophy</H2>
A simple minded approach would dictate that an aural browser use the
information present  in the standard stylesheet to convey  the same
information aurally.
This would only fit the scenario of producing a faithful aural presentation of
a WWW document to someone who cannot see the visual display.

We adopt the more sophisticated solution of defining a separate (possibly
cascaded) speech style-sheet  so as to:

<LI> Realize that the aural rendering is essentially independent of the visual rendering.
<LI> Allow orthogonal aural and visual views.
<LI> Allow future browsers to optionally implement both aural
     and visual views to produce truly <em>multimodal</em> documents.

This said, an auditory browser is free to use the information provided by the
standard visual stylesheet  to augment the aural rendering where necessary.
  Thus, when rendering a well-written document that uses the emphasis tag to  mark emphasized
phrases, such an aural browser would use the speech properties specified for
emphasis in the speech stylesheet.
However, if a document uses layout specific tags such as &LT;IT&GT; 
an aural browser can fall back on a default rendering that maps specific
speech properties to the visual layout tags.
In general, the speech stylesheet will not attempt to specify the mapping
between visual layout tags and speech properties, instead leaving it to
specific browser implementations to decide how such tags are rendered.

<H2>Aural Properties</H2>

In the following, we enumerate each property along with its possible
values. Explanatory paragraphs describe how a browser might use such
properties and their possible effect. The syntax used in the speech
style-sheet will be the same as defined in CSS1 --hence, this document will
not explicitly define the syntax. For all purposes, this document should be
considered as an appendix to (or part of) the CSS1 specification.

<H3>Speech Properties</H3>

Speech properties specify the voice characterestic to be used when rednering
specific document elements. 

<DT> :volume
<DD> Number (decibels)<P>

     The volume of the speaker. Specified in decibels.
<DT> :left-volume
<DD> number 1--100 (percentage)  <P>

     Specifies the speaker volume for the left-channel.
     Devices not supporting stereo output may ignore this setting. 

     <DT> :right-volume
<DD> number 1--100 (percent)  <P>

     Specifies the speaker volume for the right-channel.
     Devices not supporting stereo output may ignore this setting. 

<DT> :voice-family
<DD> string<P>

     Analogous to the :font-family property.
     This specifies the kind of voice to be used, and can be something generic
     such as <em>male</em>  or something more specific such as
     or something very specific such as <em>paul</em>.
     We recommend the same approach as used in the case of :font-family --the
     style sheet provide a list of possible values ranging from most to least
     specific and allow the browser to pick the most specific voice that it
     can find on the output device in use.

<DT> :speech-rate
<DD> Number  (wordsper minute)<P>

     Specifies the speaking rate. 
<DT> :average-pitch
<DD> number (hertz)

     Specifies the average pitch of the speaking voice in hertz (hz).

<DT>  :pitch-range
<DD> number (percentage variation 0--200)

     Specifies  variation in average pitch. A pitch range of 0 produces a
     flat, monotonic voice. A pitch range of 100 produces normal inflection.
     Pitch  ranges greater than 100 produce animated voices.

<DT>  :stress 
<DD> number (0--100)<P>

     Specifies the level of stress (assertiveness or emphasis) of the speaking
     voice.  English is a <strong>stressed</strong> language, and different
     parts of a sentence are assigned primary, secondary or tertiary
     stress. The value of property :stress controls amount of inflection that
     results from these stress markers.  Different speech devices may require
     the setting of one or more device-specific parameters to achieve this
     effect.  <P>

Increasing the value of this property results in
     the speech being more strongly inflected.  It is in a sense dual to
     property  <em>:pitch-range</em>
     and is provided to allow developpers to  exploit higher-end auditory displays.
<DT>  :richness
<DD> number (0--100)<P>

     Specifies the richness (brightness) of the speaking voice.
     Different speech devices may require the setting of one or more
     device-specific parameters to achieve this effect.
The effect of increasing richness is to produce a voice that <em>carries</em>
     --reducing richness produces a soft,   mellifluous voice. 

<DT> :speech-other
<DD> List  of name value pairs. <P>

Allows implementors to experiment with features available on specific speech
     devices.  The use of this property is device-specific, but is provided as
     an <em>escape mechanism</em>since auditory displays are not yet as
     standardized as their visual counterparts.  Implementors are encouraged
     to use this property only where absolutely necessary.  In many cases, the
     desired effect can be abstracted using the properties defined earlier and
     having the device-specific component of the browser map a single abstract
     property to a collection of device specific properties.


<H3>Miscellaneous Speech Settings</H3>

In addition to  specifying voice properties, a speech style-sheet also
specifies auxillary information such as the amount of pause  to insert before
or after rendering document elements. 
<DT> :pause-before-pause
<DD> number (milliseconds) Amount of pause. (analogous to white space.)<P>

     Specifies the number of milliseconds  of  silence  to insert
     <em>before</em> rendering a document element.
In situations  where the <em>:pause-before-pause</em> <strong>intersects</strong>
     the <em>:pause-after-pause</em> of the preceding document element,   we compute
     the amount of pause to insert in a manner similar to that used to compute
     the amount of intervening whitespace in producing visual renderings. 
     <DT> :pause-after-pause
<DD> number (milliseconds) Amount of pause. (analogous to white space.)<P>

     Specifies the number  of milliseconds of  silence  to insert
     <em>after</em> rendering a document element.

     <DT> :pause-around-pause
<DD> number (milliseconds) Amount of pause. (analogous to white space.)<P>

     Specifies the number  of milliseconds of  silence  to insert
      <em>before</em> and <em>after</em> rendering a document element.
     Though this effect can be achieved by using <em>:pause-before</em> and
     <em>:pause-after</em> in conjunction,
     style-sheet designers are encouraged to use <em>:pause-around</em>  where
     appropriate since it makes the intent clearer.
     <strong> Perhaps :before :after and :around should be modifiers so they
     can be generally applied to other property settings?</strong>
<DT> :pronunciation-mode
<DD> string<P>

     Specify the pronunciation mode to be used when speaking a document
     element. Pronunciation modes can include
     <LI> Speak all punctuation marks
     <LI>  Speak only some punctuations.
          In this case, the rule for handling punctuation marks is 
          specified  by providing  a value for property
          :punctuation-marks-to-skip or :punctuation-marks-to-speak.
     <LI> Speak contents as a date.
     <LI> Speak contents as a time string     

     The set of values for this property is left open so that designers can
     exploit all features available in a specific device.
     Style-sheet designers can specify a list of values for specifying a
     particular option in a amanner analogous to that described in specifying
     :voice-family. Browsers are expected to choose the  most
     specific setting available on the current output device.
     Thus, for property :speak-time, a style sheet could specify
     <q>:speak-military-time</q> and <q>:speak-am-pm</q> etc.

     The device-specific component of a browser is expected to map those
     values that it does not understand to a suitable default. Alternatively,
     the device-specific component of the browser may choose to transform the
     contents of the document element to a form that is suitable to be
     rendered by the specific device.
To give an example:

Consider the value <em>date-string</em>.
     Given a content string of the form <em>Jan 1, 1996</em>
     an aural browser could:
     <LI> Ignore property :pronunciation-mode.
     <LI> Send the content string directly to
          a smart speech device capable of switching to a <q>speak date</q>
     <LI> Apply an appropriate transform --in this example, change Jan to January-- when
communicating with a less sophisticated output device.
<DT> :language
<DD> string<P>

     Language to use when rendering the contents of the document element.
     Specified by using the appropriate ISO encoding for international

<DT> :country
<DD> string<P>

     Specified using ISO encoding for specifying country codes.
     Can be used in conjunction with :language to specify British or American
     English. (See property :dialect below for variations in speaking style
     within a country.)
     This property will be useful for multilingual speech devices capable of
     switching between languages.
<DT> :dialect
<DD> string<P>

     Specifies the dialect to be used, e.g.: american-mid-western-english. 


<H3>Non-Speech Auditory Cues</H3>

Non-speech sounds can be used to produce <em>auditory icons</em>.
Such auditory icons serve to augment the aural rendering and provide succinct

<DT> :before-sound
<DD> Filename or URL.  <P>

     Specifies a file containing
sound data. The sound is played
     <em>before</em> rendering the document element to produce an auditory

     <DT> :after-sound
<DD> Filename or URL.  <P>

     Specifies a file containing
sound data. The sound is played
     <em>after</em> rendering the document element to produce an auditory

     <DT> :around-sound
<DD> Filename or URL.  <P>

     Specifies a file containing
sound data. The sound is played
     <em>around</em> rendering the document element to produce an auditory

     <DT> :during-sound
<DD> Filename or URL.  <P>

     Specifies a file containing
sound data. The sound is played repeatedly 
     <em>during</em> rendering the document element to produce an auditory
     icon that provides an aural backdrop.

<H3>Advanced Settings </H3>

In the future, auditory displays may want to exploit spatial audio for
producing  rich aural layout.
Spatial audio --a digital signal processing technique that involves convolving
sound data with appropriate filters to produce spatially located sounds-- can
be used to make sounds <em>appear</em> to originate  from different points  in
the listener's auditory space.

<DT> :spatial-audio
<DD> :azimuth number :elevation number

     Azimuth and elevation are specified in degrees and together specify the
     point in auditory space from which the sound appears to originate. <P>

<H3>Open Questions</H3>

It would be generally useful to allow style-sheets to specify relative changes
i.e. increment or decrement the value of a particular property.
How should the specification handle this?

<address><A href="">Email:</a></address>
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Last modified: Mon Feb 12 16:29:56 1996
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Best Regards,

      Adobe Systems                 Tel: 1 (415) 962 3945   (B-1 115)
      Advanced Technology Group     Fax: 1 (415) 962 6063 
      1585 Charleston Road          Email: 
      Mountain View, CA 94039 -7900
      http://www-atg/People/Raman.html (Internal To Adobe)  (Cornell)

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are my own and in no way should be taken
            as representative of my employer, Adobe Systems Inc.

Received on Monday, 12 February 1996 19:51:31 UTC