DSSSL TEI stylesheet available

In previous messages I have pointed to versions of a DSSSL stylesheet
for HTML 3.2.  The HTML 3.2 stylesheet shows how DSSSL can be used to
program formatting features such as automatic table-of-contents
generation that cannot be achieved in a purely declarative style

The DSSSL stylesheet for the Text Encoding Initiative announced below
demonstrates how the standard stylesheet programming language can be
used to specify formatting for any SGML-conformant markup, not just
HTML.  This ability to express programmed formatting in a standard way
for arbitrarily defined tag sets will become increasingly important as
XML enables Web publishers to extend their repertoire of tags and
attributes at will.

For further information on the Text Encoding Initiative, see


For further information on XML, see

  Extensible Markup Language (XML), W3C Working Draft 14-Nov-96

  XML, Java, and the future of the Internet

  W3C publishes draft of simplified SGML: At last a sensible way
    to extend HTML (Seybold Report on Internet Publishing)


Newsgroups: comp.text.sgml
Subject: DSSSL TEI stylesheet available

A preliminary DSSSL stylesheet written by Richard Light for documents
marked up in conformance with the TEI-Lite DTD is now available by
anonymous ftp from sunsite.unc.edu.  To obtain the stylesheet and
associated files needed to test it, log into sunsite.unc.edu as
"anonymous", set "bin", and change to the directory
/pub/sun-info/standards/dsssl/stylesheets/tei/.  Get the file named
README and one of the two files tei-dsl.tar.gz or tei-dsl.zip.  DOS
and Solaris versions of the generic unzip program are available in the
directory /pub/sun-info/standards/dsssl/jade/jade-0.4.

For further information on the TEI stylesheet, contact
richard@light.demon.co.uk.  For further information on DSSSL, see

 Jon Bosak, Online Information Technology Architect, Sun Microsystems
 2550 Garcia Ave., MPK17-101,           |  Best is he that inuents,
 Mountain View, California 94043        |  the next he that followes
 Davenport Group::SGML Open::ANSI X3V1  |  forth and eekes out a good
 ::ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8::W3C SGML ERB  |  inuention.

Received on Thursday, 12 December 1996 20:51:26 UTC