Re: CSS Defaults

this is very curious:

body {
   margin-left: 15%;
   margin-right: 15%;
   font-size: 12pt/14pt;
   font-weight: medium;
   font-family: Times, "Baskerville SSi", baskerville, bodoni, times;

blockquote {
   font-style: normal;
   margin-left: 10%;
   margin-right: 10%;

The blockquote margin-left is equal to the text margin-left. It is moved
*back* to the left by this setting.

I tried setting the margin-left: 0% and see the indent. About margin-left: 5%.


>My message got sent while I was editing it. I was adding:
><BLOCKQUOTE> is still getting the same default indent it
>gets without a style setting (try setting all left margins to zero --
>blockquote is still indented).
>David Perrell
   _/     Steve Knoblock 
   _/     City Gallery - History of Photography
   _/     Member:  National Stereoscopic Association

Received on Sunday, 25 August 1996 18:19:57 UTC