- From: Keith M. Corbett <kmc@harlequin.com>
- Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 00:23:36 -0400
- To: Stephanos Piperoglou <stephanos@hol.gr>
- Cc: Matthew James Marnell <marnellm@portia.portia.com>, Mary Morris <marym@finesse.com>, www-style@w3.org, www-html@w3.org
At 08:59 PM 8/16/96 +0300, Stephanos Piperoglou wrote: >META and LINK tags should, as I view it, be more standardized. If you could I won't vouch for the relevancy or currency of these documents, but they are a good starting point for research: On LINK: see Internet Draft "Hypertext links in HTML". <url:http://ds.internic.net/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-html-relrev-00.txt> On META: see "The META Tag of HTML". <url:ftp://ds.internic.net/internet-drafts/draft-musella-html-metatag-02.txt> I believe both drafts have expired. /kmc
Received on Saturday, 17 August 1996 00:27:33 UTC