Re: Smil 3.0 validation error using metadata element

On 2011-10-21 15:28, Vandermillen, Michael wrote:
> Hi-
> The w3 SMIL 3.0 site gives examples of adding rdf content to the
> metadata tag:
> However, these examples do not validate with the DTD provided:
> SMIL30Language.dtd from
> This DTD defines the metadata element as an empty element. Sorry if I'm
> missing something basic. Please let me know if I should be asking elsewhere.

In section 17.4.11 it says:
"The content model of metadata is empty. Profiles that extend the SMIL
3.0 Language profile may define the RDF (Resource Description Framework)
schema to be used in extending the content model of the metadata
element. The Resource Description Framework is defined in the W3C RDF
Recommendation [RDFsyntax]. Other XML-based metadata formats may also be
included in a smiliar manner. Note that if any content is added to the
metadata element, a DOCTYPE must not be declared in the document."

Note the last sentence.

> Thanks-
> Michael Vandermillen
> Digital Library Software Engineer
> Office for Information Systems
> Harvard Library
> 90 Mt. Auburn St.
> Cambridge, MA 02138
> 978-495-3724

Sjoerd Mullender

Received on Friday, 21 October 2011 15:15:42 UTC