Re: Response to [SMIL30 CR comment] to-animation (12.6.4)

Thierry Michel:
> Dr. Olaf Hoffmann,
> Thank you for your [SMIL30 CR comment] to-animation (12.6.4) [1] sent to
> the smil mailing list on Mon, 3 Mar 2008.
> SYMM WG Resolution:
> Yes your interpretation is correct about:
> The SYMM WG records that you are satisfied with the SMIL 3.0 coverage of
>   to-animations.

Sure, this is ok and consistent for SMIL3.0.

Meanwhile it turned out, that for example SVG 1.1 viewers have another
interpretation of discrete to-animation, as one or even more SVG testsuite
samples of the SVG WG assume too, because there is no specific rule in 
the old SMIL animation recommendation, SVG 1.1 refers to.

Typically or at least some viewers divide the simple duration by two to
have the first half the underlying value and the second half the to-value
as usual for discrete animation. 
Well, because it is not explicitely mentioned in the old SMIL animation to do
is this or the other way, this is not directly a problem of the SYMM WG,
however it is a minor backwards incompatibility problem for
authors/implementors. In the SVG testsuite sample meanwhile transferred
from SVG1.1 to SVGT1.2 this was discovered and this test was surely not
intended to test this specific behaviour. This might indicate, that the other
interpretation is quite common, but I have no statistics about this, for 
example my current SVG1.1 animation tests assume the same behaviour,
but I was a long time looking around to get something more substantial 
as available now in SMIL3.0, unfortunately with another rule as assumed
and implemented ;o) 

Is the current SMIL3.0 behaviour for discrere to-animation derived from
(other) current implementations or how has this rule been derived and 
not the other?

> Please answer this email, saying that you agree (or disagree) to the
> resolution of the SYMM WG.
> On behalf of the SYMM working group,
> Regards,
> Thierry Michel
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2008 17:05:23 UTC