Feedback on the SMIL 3.0 LCWD specification from the Multimodal Interaction WG LC 1834, LC 1835, LC 1836


During the discussion with the Multi-modal WG at the TPAc we have
discussed general terms about integration issues.

The resolution was that you would send us a number of representative use
cases for identify requirements on integration issues, but we have not
received these yet.

There are 3 LC comments for which we have send resolutions and for which
we need your agreement.

Please acknowledge our response.

The resolutions are:
LC 1834: "this comments do not require any modification in SMIL 3.0; the
resolution is to held an inter-workpackage meeting in order to further
discuss the different alternatives of integration"
which was held

LC 1835: a number of changes in the specs (already done) as specified in
the response comment (see previous email for response from the SYMM WG).

LC 1836:
The Working Group agrees that using IRIs instead of URIs is a good thing
and has resolved to adopt the proposal.

We will add a (normative) note that the term URI needs to be read as IRI
throughout the specification.

Your initial comment is available at.

On behalf of the SYMM WG,
Thierry Michel

Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 14:53:37 UTC