[SMIL30 LC comment] 3.2

Hello SMIL working group,

some comments on
3.2 Introduction


'The examples in this document that include syntax for a host language 
use [SMIL10], [SVG], [HTML4] and [CSS2].'
'The examples in this document include syntax for a host language use
[SMIL10], [SVG], [HTML4] and [CSS2].' ?

'Animation only manipulates attributes and properties of the target elements,
and so does not require any knowledge of the target element semantics beyond
basic type information.'

-> Information, whether the attribute is animatable or not?
-> Information, whether the attribute is additive or not?
-> calcMode paced requires some more information about the
    meaning of the animated attribute or property, if it is a
    more complex type to get something related to a paced
    change with a meaning...
    For example it is a difference if a list of some numbers
    represent a vector or just a list of some numbers without
    a direction or an absolute value as a vector has...


Bad document structure?

'The BasicInlineTiming module is a prerequisite for any profile using SMIL
Animation. The reader is presumed to have read and be familiar with the 
SMIL 3.0 Timing modules.'

-> Why is the animation section before the timing section in the table of
contents, if the timing section is required to understand the animation
(This is included too in the general comment from 2007-08-01)


-> It is maybe a good idea to introduce the elements animate and animateMotion
here in the introduction shortly to prepare the reader for typical examples
offered before these elements are really defined. One additional paragraph
would be enough to reduce this problem.

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2007 14:10:42 UTC