Real SMIL code question.

Don't know if this is the list to submit code questions, but thought I'd 
give it a shot.

The code below works ok, across most OS's and players. But ONLY if I 
comment out, and do not use the "sequence" process.
Using <seq> yields a variety of anomolies: regions that don't go away, 
frozen video, etc.
We create a lot of SMIL processes, and the only ones giving us problems 
are the ones with a sequence of "par" elements.
The rp files are standard. Everything is streaming from a Real Server. 
Wondered if anything might jump out at you SMIL coders.
<smil xmlns="">
<root-layout width="756" height="380" background-color="black" />

<region id="bkgnd" left="0" top="0" width="756" height="380" z-index="1" />
<region id="video" left="512" top="2" width="240" height="180" 
z-index="2" />
<region id="slides" left="2" top="2" width="504" height="378" z-index="2" />
<region id="dvd" left="98" top="68" width="320" height="240" z-index="2" />


<!-- <seq> -->

<img src="bkgnd.GIF" region="bkgnd" fill="freeze" />
<video src="mn072706_ehrlich1_190kbs.rm" region="video" />
<img region="slides" src="mn072706_ehrlich1.rp" fill="freeze" />

<img src="DVDbigbkgnd.PNG" region="bkgnd" fill="freeze" />
<video src="mn072706_DVDopen_190kbs.rm" dur="00:55" region="dvd" />

<img src="bkgnd.GIF" region="bkgnd" fill="freeze" />
<video src="mn072706_ehrlich2_190kbs.rm" region="video" />
<img region="slides" src="mn072706_ehrlich2.rp" fill="freeze" />

<img src="DVDbigbkgnd.PNG" region="bkgnd" fill="freeze" />
<video src="mn072706_DVDbreastpump_190kbs.rm" dur="00:33" region="dvd" />

<img src="bkgnd.GIF" region="bkgnd" fill="freeze" />
<video src="mn072706_ehrlich3_190kbs.rm" region="video" />
<img region="slides" src="mn072706_ehrlich3.rp" fill="freeze" />

<!-- </seq> -->

"When it's not necessary to do something, it becomes necessary NOT to do 

Rich Reardon
Manager, University Video Services
Room 212, Walter Library, 117 Pleasant St. SE
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Ph: 612-625-3486/Fax: 612-625-9302

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2006 17:11:32 UTC