Re: [SMIL21 REC] 10.4.1: Wrong example for end and begin with user interactivity?

On 2006-08-07 11:09, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann wrote:
> Hello,
> of course, this interval is rejected, because it is bad, but there
> are other times, that have to be added to the end list, to determine 
> with begin and dur a correct simple duration and begin and
> repeatDur to determine active duration including repetition.
> Just this value of the end attribute is meaningless, if the begin 
> is later as end.
> In the audio example dur is determined by the media itself
> with an implicit end, therefore even there is no difference to 
> the svg animation example.
> It is just pseudo code and begin+dur or begin+repeatDur
> generate further 'end's in the list. There is more than one 
> time in the end list and therefore there are some 
> 'good intervals' to care about. 

It may be "just pseudo code" but it is *normative* pseudo code.

No further ends are generated.  According to the recommendation in the
section Computing the active duration:
"Otherwise, an end value not equal to indefinite is specified along with
at least one of dur, repeatDur, and repeatCount. Then the PAD  is the
minimum of the result from the Intermediate Active Duration Computation
given below and duration between end and the element begin:

    PAD = MIN( Result from Intermediate Active Duration Computation,
end - B)"

> Best wishes
>> Your interpretation and that of Opera and Adobe is *incorrect*.  After
>> t=30s the element cannot start again.  Study the pseudo code in
>> <>,
>> and especially the bit where it says: "if all ends are before the begin,
>> bad interval".  This shows that if there is an end attribute, and all
>> values in the end attribute are before the current time, there is no
>> interval, and thus the element will not play.
>> I hope this helps.

There is a difference between having an "end" attribute on an element
and not having an "end" attribute on an element.  If you do not have an
"end" attribute, it is more or less like you describe, but if you *do*
have an "end" attribute, it determines the end.  The simple

Sjoerd Mullender

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2006 08:46:51 UTC