Response to SMIL 2.1Last Call comment: 2005JanMar/0027.html


The W3C SYMM thank you for your comments on SMIL 2.1 sent

    * From: Karl Dubost <>
    * Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 14:53:09 -0500
    * Archived:


W3C SYMM thanks members of QA for their comments on SMIL 2.1.
SYMM WG has the following responses to these comments:

To fullfil your requirement of publishing a SMIL 2.1 Full spec, we 
propose the following:
- We will issue a "diff spec" for Candidate Recommendation. We will 
mention in the CR "Stattus of this document" that we plan to issue a 
"Full spec" for Proposed Recommendation.
We would not need to go back to LC WD if we issued a "full spec", as it 
is only an editorial update.

During CR SYMM WG will provide an Implementation Report of SMIL 2.1 new 
functionalities and a Test Suite.
We will add an appendix associating SMIL 2.1 new modules to W3C Patent 
Policy (PP)  and  former modules SMIL 2.0 to former patent policy.

Please acknowledge this SYMM WG response by replying to this mail and
copying the SMIL public mailing list: 


On behalf of the SYMM WG,
Thierry MICHEL
SYMM WG Team contact.

Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 10:31:09 UTC