smil and realplayer for windows problem

hi all,

I have created a Smil 2.0 presentation that contains a Realpix file, a
realtext file  and a video .rm.
If I play this presentation with RealPlayer 10.0.1G OLD on linux it works
well, on the other the same presentation with RealPlayer 10.5 on WINDOWS
doesn't work.
On windows, the presentation starts well, but I have problems:
1) in moving the timeline
2) with link in realtext that point at particular time, with "command:seek" 
in both cases the presentation remains in "loading" state...for ever.

I have also tried to make some different combination:
1) realtext and video .rm: OK, it plays
2) realpix and video .rm : OK, it plays
3) realpix and realtext: NO , it remains in LOADING state when I try to move
the timeline on just click on links!!!

any ideas?
Is it a plugin problem of the realplayer version for windows?where can I
download other plugin?
why on linux all works well?!?!?

At the end I have attached my three files.

Best regards
Serena Alessandrini

smil_presentation file is:

<smil xmlns="">
<root-layout width="750" height="450"  backgroundColor="rgb(67,143,197)" />
 <region id="text_region" width="300" height="200" left="506" top="7" />
  <region id="video_region" width="166" height="107" left="578" top="322" /> 
  <region id="diapo_region" width="550" height="381" fit="fill"  left="578"
top="66" />
     <ref src="prova.rp" region="diapo_region" begin="0s" end="38:10"/>
     <video src="lezione_parte3_4nov2004.rm" region="video_region" begin="0s"
      <textstream src="menu.rt" region="text_region" begin="0s" end="38:10"/>

REALTEXT FILE (menu.rt) is:
<font color="white" face="verdana" size="1">
<li><a href="command:seek(0:00)" target="_player">Introduction and Bibliografy</a>
<a href="command:seek(2:10)" target="_player">Outiline and motivation</a>,
<li><a href="command:seek(6:01)" target="_player">Chaos and its features</a>,
<li><a href="command:seek(28:47)" target="_player">Can we study chaos...</a>,

REALPIX file (prova.rp) is:
    <head title="My RealPix Slideshow"
    author="Jane Morales"
    copyright="(c)2002 RealNetworks Media Productions"

  <image handle="1" name="First/Diapositiva60.png"/>
  <image handle="2" name="First/Diapositiva67.png"/>
  <image handle="3" name="First/Diapositiva68.png"/>
  <image handle="4" name="First/Diapositiva69.png"/>
  <image handle="5" name="First/Diapositiva70.png"/>
  <image handle="6" name="First/Diapositiva71.png"/>
  <image handle="7" name="First/Diapositiva72.png"/>
  <image handle="8" name="First/Diapositiva73.png"/>
  <image handle="9" name="First/Diapositiva74.png"/>
  <image handle="10" name="First/Diapositiva75.png"/>
  <image handle="11" name="First/Diapositiva76.png"/>
  <image handle="12" name="First/Diapositiva77.png"/>
  <image handle="13" name="First/Diapositiva78.png"/>
  <image handle="14" name="First/Diapositiva78-bis.png"/>
  <image handle="15" name="First/Diapositiva79.png"/>
  <image handle="16" name="First/Fail1.png"/>
  <image handle="17" name="First/Diapositiva80.png"/>
  <image handle="18" name="First/Fail2.png"/>
  <image handle="19" name="First/Fail3.png"/>

  <fadein start="0" duration="1" target="1"/>
  <fadein start="35" duration="1" target="2"/>
  <fadein start="2:45" duration="1" target="3"/>
  <fadein start="7:20" duration="1" target="4"/>
  <fadein start="10:15" duration="1" target="5"/>
  <fadein start="13:55" duration="1" target="6"/>
  <fadein start="17:30" duration="1" target="7"/>
  <fadein start="18:14" duration="1" target="8"/>
  <fadein start="19:25" duration="1" target="9"/>
  <fadein start="20:41" duration="1" target="10"/>
  <fadein start="21:42" duration="1" target="11"/>
  <fadein start="22:05" duration="1" target="12"/>
  <fadein start="24:30" duration="1" target="13"/>
  <fadein start="25:04" duration="1" target="14"/>
  <fadein start="26:35" duration="1" target="15"/>
  <fadein start="28:03" duration="1" target="16"/>
  <fadein start="30:27" duration="1" target="17"/>
  <fadein start="31:37" duration="1" target="18"/>
  <fadein start="34:34" duration="1" target="19"/>


Serena Alessandrini
Centro di Ricerca sui Sistemi Elettronici
"Ercole De Castro", ARCES
via Toffano 2/2
Bologna, Italy
Fax.: 051-2095410
Tel. Uff.: 051-2095432

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2005 12:37:39 UTC