FW: FW: [Q] The min attribute and time container constraints

Sjoerd and I have talked about this, and agree with the original post.

I further agree with Sjoerd's proposal below to add a fill="freeze"
attribute to the img element so that the behavior matches the description.

Thierry - can you write up a new proposed erratum to this effect, and
circulate it for review?

Thanks - Patrick

-----Original Message-----
From: Sjoerd Mullender [mailto:sjoerd@acm.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 12:46 AM
To: cogit@ludicrum.org
Cc: Philipp Hoschka
Subject: Re: FW: [Q] The min attribute and time container constraints

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Schmitz [mailto:cogit@ludicrum.org]
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 9:26 PM
> To: Sjoerd Mullender
> Cc: Philipp Hoschka
> Subject: FW: [Q] The min attribute and time container constraints
> Hi Sjoerd -
> I think he's right. Min applies to the active duration, right? We even
> an example that shows this kind of behavior. See Example 5 under the
> on min/max within 10.3.1.

min extends the active duration, but with the provision that the fill
attribute is used to fill the gap.  It actually fills the gap after the
*simple* duration, not the active duration:

"otherwise (repeating/simple duration not greater than min) the element
is played normally for its repeating duration (or simple duration if the
element does not repeat) and then is frozen or not shown depending on
the value of the fill  attribute (see the fourth and fifth examples below)."

So indeed I would say he's right.

In order to fix this, maybe we should add a fill="freeze" to the img.

> Patrick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: www-smil-request@w3.org [mailto:www-smil-request@w3.org]On Behalf
> Of TANAKA Kazuhide
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 7:00 PM
> To: www-smil@w3.org
> Cc: kazuhide@access.co.jp
> Subject: [Q] The min attribute and time container constraints
> Hi all,
> I'm reading SMIL 2.0 spec but I could not understand about the min
> attribute and time container constraints. Let me ask you a question.
> There is explanation about the min attribute and time container
> constraints as follows:
>   The min attribute has no effect on the time container constraint on
>   child duration. This constraint still applies even if a child's
>   active duration does not satisfy a min value constraint. In the
>   following example, the image is displayed between 0 and 5 seconds.
>   <par dur="5s">
>      <img id="img" min="7s" dur="4s" .../>
>   </par>
> I could not understand this example. Why is img displayed for 5
> seconds?  If no another attributes are specifed,
>   <img id="img" min="7s" dur="4s" />
> It is displayed between 0 and 4 seconds, then nothing shown till 7
> seconds because fill behavior should be ragarded as "remove" in this
> situation as default.
> So, in the above example, the expected behavior is: img is displayed
> between 0 and 4 seconds then nothing shown between 4 and 5 seconds.
> Is that correct?
> thanks,
> --
> TANAKA Kazuhide
> kazuhide@access.co.jp

Sjoerd Mullender <sjoerd@acm.org>

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2004 21:55:39 UTC