[Q] The min attribute and time container constraints

Hi all,

I'm reading SMIL 2.0 spec but I could not understand about the min
attribute and time container constraints. Let me ask you a question.

There is explanation about the min attribute and time container
constraints as follows:

  The min attribute has no effect on the time container constraint on
  child duration. This constraint still applies even if a child's
  active duration does not satisfy a min value constraint. In the
  following example, the image is displayed between 0 and 5 seconds.

  <par dur="5s">
     <img id="img" min="7s" dur="4s" .../> 

I could not understand this example. Why is img displayed for 5
seconds?  If no another attributes are specifed,

  <img id="img" min="7s" dur="4s" /> 

It is displayed between 0 and 4 seconds, then nothing shown till 7
seconds because fill behavior should be ragarded as "remove" in this
situation as default.
So, in the above example, the expected behavior is: img is displayed
between 0 and 4 seconds then nothing shown between 4 and 5 seconds.

Is that correct?


TANAKA Kazuhide

Received on Monday, 1 March 2004 22:00:34 UTC