Switch systemScreenSize

Hi Cedric

I hope you don't mind I posted your question on the W3C SMIL mailing

> I visited your tutorial site in order to find out
> how to make fullscreen SMIL presentations.
> Is it possible to achieve this without putting video
> (real or quicktime)?
> I got the idea the fullscreen mode is only available
> as real or quicktime parameters?

For full screen mode with SMIL 2.0 profile
if I'm reading the  spec.'s correctly 
you can place in the head section a switch container, inside it the
different layouts with the test attribute systemScreenSize:

layout systemScreenSize="1024X1280" 
root-layout id="root_1280X1024" title="1280X1024" width="1280"
height="1024" /
region id="region_1280X1024" title="1280X1024" top="0" left="0" 
width="1280" height="1024" z-index="1" />
layout systemScreenSize="768X1024" 
root-layout id="root_768X1024" title="768X1024" width="1024"
height="768" /
region id="region_768X1024" title="768X1024" top="0" left="0" 
width="1024" height="768" z-index="1" /

In the example above the first layout that the screen size system is
of playing is the one chosen. Note that the systemScreenSize values are 
screen-height first then a capital X and then the screen-width.

Then in the body section:


par systemScreenSize="1024X1280" 
img id="screen_1280X1024" region="region_1280X1024" 
src="media/1280x1024.jpg" begin="1.00s" dur="90.00s" /

par systemScreenSize="768X1024" 

img id="screen_1024X768" region="region_768X1024" 
src="media/1024x768.jpg" begin="1.00s" dur="90.00s" /


Another switch container can hold the corresponding media for its
sized layout.

Here is the test SMIL file, in it I used images of the full screen size
of the
test attribute, in a real presentation the images should take into
account the
players menu bar extra...


This test didn't work in RealONE, maybe I made a mistake or RealONE
doesn't support
switch inside the head element. Either way it's important to try to get
a working example
of a full screen presentation using switch, considering all the
headlines of new net devices
of all sizes coming soon.

Good Luck,
Jose Ramirez

Received on Friday, 8 February 2002 19:42:21 UTC