Re: Synhronisation between smil and html


SMIL 1.0 doesn't directly address your stated requirements.  However, the
RealPlayer does.  To accomplish your goals, you would set  up the three frames
as follows:

1)  RealPlayer Frame.  The RealPlayer stream can include a RealEvents stream.
This stream can direct the browser to load new content in the second frame at
timed intervals.  This is documented at:

2)  Content Frame.  This could contain some placeholder information.  It would
be populated by the instructions sent from the events stream.

3)  Table of Contents Frame.  The table of contents would contain entries with
hyperlinks that kicked off a script request to control the player.  The way most
people implement this is to have the script seek the player to a given time
index.  The available scripting options are documented at:

If you have any further questions about this, feel free to contact me directly.

-steve j

Bjorn Storme wrote:

> Hello,
> I,ve the following problem, i have a frameset with 3 frames, in the first
> frame I have an embedded realplayer that is playing a movie.
> Now what I want is that when the movie is at 30 sec that in the second frame
> some text appears. Is this possible with smil??
> Now the second issue is that in my third frame I wanna have a Table of
> Contents, with links to the movie f.e. a link "go to research" that the
> movie jumps to second 50.
> Storme Bjorn
> Multimedia Developer
> Alcatel E-Com
> Axxes 51-003
> Guldensporenpark 10
> B - 9820 Merelbeke (Gent)
> Tel.:   + 32(0)9 272 22 00
> Fax.:  + 32(0)9 272 22 11
> GSM: + 32(0)478 36 13 99

Steve Jacobson - Product Manager - RealNetworks, Inc.
2601 Elliott Ave, Seattle, WA 98121
ph: 206.674.2451 - -
Fax: 206.674.2591 - Cell: 206.310.7760
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Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2000 13:33:37 UTC