Re: SMIL Variables

On Thu, Jan 13 2000 Jacob McKee wrote:

> Basically, I need the link on the button to be dynamic based on the entry
> point to the Real clip. So if I click on a link to the movie from the home
> page, the variable "home" is added to the SMIL Link so that it now links to
> ""
> Whereas, if I click on a link in the "about us" section, the same link in
> the same Real clip now is ""

Here is some SMIL code for the home page

<video src="video.rv">
  <anchor {top,left,width,heigh atts locate button}

For the other pages, just replace "HOME" in the href att with whatever
you want to.  In this particular case, you do not need variables to
represent the page the video is played in because you can define the
link in the page itself rather than in the video being included.


Lloyd Rutledge                              vox: +31 20 592 41 27
CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica)  fax: +31 20 592 41 99
PO Box 94079                                net:
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Received on Friday, 14 January 2000 05:01:44 UTC