- From: Jacob McKee <JMcKee@vectrix.com>
- Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 12:11:35 -0600
- To: "'www-smil@w3.org'" <www-smil@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <301AE5C3D5A0D311A9B700902771B01068A2E0@mailhost.vectrix.com>
I am looking for a little SMIL help. I had a question come up that I am not quite sure how to answer. If anyone knows if this is possible, please let me know. I don't need to know how at this point, just whether or not it is possible. I am making buttons on a realvideo clip. I need the ability to read in a variable to that button so that when I click the button inside of the clip it goes to a link with the variable as part of the URL. So if I come from the home page, the variable could be "home" and then when I click that link, is looks something like http://www....com/file?home <http://www....com/file?home> Any help is appreciated! Jacob ============================================ J a c o b M c K e e Internet Production Manager NVision Design, Inc. Tel: 214.752.0007 x.23 1400 Turtle Creek Blvd. Fax: 214.752.0018 Suite 209 Dallas, Texas 75207 USA E: jmckee@nvisiondesign.com W: http://www.nvisiondesign.com <http://www.nvisiondesign.com/> W: http://www.nstorm.com <http://www.nstorm.com/> NVision Design's Entertainment Game Site ============================================
Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2000 13:14:56 UTC