Re: SMIL Mimetype / Hello!

Lloyd Rutledge wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 7 1999 Joe Crawford wrote:
> > Downloaded the GRiNs editor and started playing. Uploaded the .smil file
> > to my webserver and it displays as text. : (
> > ...
> > Theoretically, those links should fire my RealPlayer G2, yes?
> > (Environment - Mac_PPC/NN4.51/RealPlayerG2
> >
> > Is this *all* I need to have my server admin add? Is this right?
> >
> > AddType application/smil smi smil sml
> On the server side, doing that, and naming the suffixes right for the
> files themselves, is all you'd need.  This would send out suffixes
> browsers would recognize and, more importantly, also send the mimetype
> signal that explicitly states what the file type is.
> But you also need to do stuff on the client side.  I assume that when
> SMIL files are displayed as text for you, that after editing and
> saving them with GRiNS, that you then access them with an HTML
> browser.  SMIL files are not shown with HTML browsers.  You need to
> enter the settings in your HTML browser that trigger a SMIL player for
> SMIL files.  With Netscape, select "Navigator" then "Application" from
> the box opened by selected "Preferences" from the "Edit" pulldown
> menu.  With this, you need to establish the mime type for SMIL and
> state the pathname of GRiNS or G2 or whatever player you wish to use.
> It would also help here to enter the SMIL suffixes here.  This way, if
> the server communicates no SMIL mimetype, your browser will recognize
> the suffix as a SMIL suffix and still call the player for that file.
> -Lloyd
> --
> Lloyd Rutledge                              vox: +31 20 592 41 27
> CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica)  fax: +31 20 592 41 99
> PO Box 94079                                net:
> NL-1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands       Web:

 Hey Joe,
 Your Presentations worked fine. Just do what Lloyd said.
 Add new type:
 Description of Type: SMIL File
 File extension: .smil, .smi
 MIME Type: application/smil
 Application to use: Pathname of GRiNS.exe

 Joe, if your interested in SMIL tutorials? I have some covering the
 basic's of SMIL:
 My tutorials use Helio's SMIL applet player. SMIL teaching SMIL. Which
 needs a Java 1.1 compliant browser. On a Mac, that means IE right now. has tutorials covering basic to advanced topics:
 Good Luck,
 Jose Ramirez

Received on Monday, 12 July 1999 19:02:56 UTC