justsmil.com news - August 31

   Helio Delays Java-based Player
   Aug 31, 1998
   A collective "aw shucks" has issued forth upon word that [25]Helio is
   delaying the release of their Java-based Player. But don't fear, it's
   coming soon. Herve Foucher of Helio states that they hope to release a
   beta version of their player within one to two weeks of their original
   September 7th target.
   Productivity Works L p Tools
   [26]Productivity Works is currently shipping [27]L p Player and [28]L
   p Studio, L p Studio provides simple capabilities for recording
   synchronized audio, text, and images. L p Player is a SMIL compatible
   player. Just SMIL will feature more on these L p tools as information
   becomes available.
   SMIL Breakfast Sept 2
   The New England chapter of the National Association of Webmasters will
   host a breakfast meeting entitled "SMIL: The Future of Web
   Multimedia." The meeting will be held on September 2 at the Hynes
   Convention Center in Boston. Featured speakers include Philipp Hoschka
   from [29]W3C and Lloyd Rutledge from [30]CWI. Contact [31]B.K. DeLong
   for more information.
   GRiNS in Bristol Sept 14-15
   On September 14-15, Lloyd Rutledge from [32]CWI will be providing a
   demo of GRiNS at the [33]ACM Multimedia 98 Conference in Bristol, UK.
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  24. mailto:smil@webphd.com
  25. http://www.helio.org/
  26. http://www.prodworks.com/
  27. http://www.prodworks.com/lpplayer.htm
  28. http://www.prodworks.com/lpstudio_intro.htm
  29. http://www.w3c.org/
  30. http://www.cwi.nl/
  31. mailto:bkdelong@naw.org
  32. http://www.cwi.nl/
  33. http://www.acm.org/sigmm/MM98/index.html
  34. http://www.justsmil.com/cgi-bin/smilzone/zone.cgi?az=login
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Received on Monday, 31 August 1998 16:59:27 UTC