Overlay 2021: 2nd Call For Papers

*** We apologize for possible cross posting ***

*********** CALL FOR PAPER ***********

September 22, 2021
Padova, Italy (unless held online, depending on the pandemic emergency 

The increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence techniques in 
systems, employed in real world scenarios, requires the design of reliable,
robust, and verifiable methodologies.
Artificial Intelligence systems employed in such applications need to 
formal guarantees about their safety, increasing the need for a close
interaction between the Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods 
To witness this increasing need, tools and methodologies integrating Formal
Methods and Artificial Intelligence solutions are getting more and more

The workshop is the main official initiative supported by the OVERLAY group
The event aims at establishing a stable, long-term scientific forum on 
topics connected to the relationships between Artificial Intelligence 
and Formal
Methods, by providing a stimulating environment where researchers can 
about opportunities and challenges at the border of the two areas.

Important goals of the workshop are (i) to encourage the ongoing 
between the formal methods and artificial intelligence communities, (ii) to
identify innovative tools and methodologies, and (iii) to elicit a 
discussion on
open issues and new challenges.

This year edition will be held on September 22, 2021, and will be 
with GandALF 2021 (https://gandalf2021.math.unipd.it/), which is 
scheduled to be
held in Padova, Italy (unless it will be an online event, depending on the
pandemic emergency situation).

*** Invited speaker ***

Roderick Bloem, professor at Institute of Applied Information Processing 
Communications - Graz, Austria

*** Call for contributions ***

We accept extended abstracts (4 pages + references) focusing on the 
between Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods.
Invited talks will complement the presentations of contributed papers.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

     automata theory
     automated reasoning
     automated planning and scheduling
     controller synthesis
     formal specification languages
     formal verification
     game theory
     hybrid and discrete systems
     logics in computer science
     reactive synthesis
     runtime verification and monitoring
     specification and verification of machine learning systems
     tools and applications

Contributed papers can present recent results at the border of the two 
new research directions, challenges and perspectives. Presentation of 
recently published in other scientific journals or conferences is also 

We plan on including all papers in the Proceedings of the event, 
published at
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR WS proceedings are archival proceedings 
by DBLP and Scopus.

Submitted papers should not exceed four (4) pages plus references. 
Authors are
asked to use CEUR's LaTeX style, available at

Submissions must be in PDF format and will be handled via the EasyChair
Conference system at the following address:

*** Important dates ***

- Paper submission: July 11th, 2021
- Acceptance notification: July 23rd, 2021
- Camera-ready submission: August 31st, 2021
- Workshop: September 22nd, 2021

*** COVID-19 Information ***

Taking into account the emergency situation, the organizers of OVERLAY 
2021 will
closely monitor the evolution of the pandemic and will take all the 
actions to guarantee a successful event.

In the case that an in-person event will not be possible, OVERLAY 2021 
will be a
hybrid or fully virtual conference. Updates on the organization mode 
will be
published and advertised in due time.

In any case, OVERLAY 2021 will be a no-fee event.

*** Program Committee ***

Dario Della Monica - Università di Udine, Italy
Gian Luca Pozzato - Università di Torino, Italy
Enrico Scala - Università di Brescia, Italy

PC Members
Alessandro Artale - Libera Università di Bolzano
Davide Bresolin - Università di Padova
Luca Geatti - Università di Udine
Nicola Gigante - Libera Università di Bolzano
Laura Giordano - Università del Piemonte Orientale
Ivan Lanese - Università di Bologna
Federico Mari - Università di Roma Foro Italico
Andrea Micheli - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Fabio Mogavero - Università di Napoli Federico II
Laura Nenzi - Università di Trieste
AndreA Orlandini - ISTC-CNR, Roma
Gennaro Parlato - Università del Molise
Adriano Peron - Università di Napoli Federico II
Gabriele Puppis - Università di Udine
Guido Sciavicco - Università di Ferrara
Stefano Tonetta - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Enrico Tronci - Università di Roma La Sapienza
Tiziano Villa - Università di Verona
Enea Zaffanella - Università di Parma
Matteo Zavatteri - Università di Verona

*** Contacts ***

For more information email overlay21@easychair.org.

Dario Della Monica, Assistant Professor (RTD-B, tenure track)
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics
University of Udine
via delle Scienze, 206 - 33100 Udine, Italy
cell: (+39) 328 2477327
email: dario.dellamonica [at] uniud.it
skype: dariodellamonica
web site: http://users.dimi.uniud.it/~dario.dellamonica/

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2021 13:27:01 UTC