2nd CFP: First Joint International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks and Terra Cognita 2015

In Conjunction with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015)
October 11-15, 2015
Bethlehem, PA, USA

The wide availability of technologies such as GPS, map services and social
networks, has resulted in the proliferation of geospatial data on the Web.
Similarly, the amount of geospatial data extracted from the Web and published
as Linked Data is increasing. Together with large volumes of machine-generated
data from sensor networks and the emerging internet of things, these continually
growing data have given rise to a number of innovative services and applications.

This workshop aims to provide an inter-disciplinary forum to explore and promote
the technologies related to a combination of semantic web, geospatial web and
sensor networking. Specifically, to develop an understanding of the ways semantic
web technologies can contribute to the growth, integration and deployment of
geospatial applications. As a joint workshop, it will explore both foundational
technologies of the Semantic Geospatial Web and applications of semantic
technologies to large-scale sensor networks and the emerging Web of Things.

Submissions are invited for a broad range of topics, ranging from user-
generated geospatial content, mobile data management, and linked geospatial
data to emergent semantics and ambient intelligence in sensor systems,
integration of semantic sensor networks with the Web of Things, and
OGC and W3C technologies and standards.

Research papers (max. 12 pp.) and demo papers (max. 5 pp.) are both due by 

July 6, 2015.

Submissions should be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines and be
submitted in PDF using the EasyChair system:


The workshop is chaired by:
Kostis Kyzirakos, Cory Henson, Matthew Perry, Dalia Varanka, Rolf Gruetter

Amit Sheth, Manfred Hauswirth, and Kerry Taylor serve as advisors.

For the full Call for Papers please visit the workshop Web site:


Received on Thursday, 18 June 2015 06:19:55 UTC