JURIX 2014 Deadline extended until Friday Sept. 12 (23:59 UTC-09:00)

(Apologies for Crossposts)

Dear all,

Due to various reasons, amongst which numerous requests, and after a long debate, we have decided to extend the JURIX 2014 deadline until next Friday September 12, at 23:59 UTC-09:00 (that is Hawaii Dailight-Saving time). 

JURIX is the European conference for Legal Informatics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence & Law. 

Read the full call for papers here:


Submissions can be 10 pages long (research papers) or 4 pages (posters & demos). They should be in IOS Press format, and can be submitted via the Easychair submission website: 


Please spread the word.

Best regards,

Rinke Hoekstra (and MichaƂ Araszkiewicz)

Received on Saturday, 6 September 2014 12:33:41 UTC