SSBSS 2014 News & 2nd CfP - Biology meets Engineering & Computer Science, Taormina - Sicily, Italy, June 15-19, 2014

2nd Call for Participation (apologies for multiple copies)

Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School: Biology meets Engineering  
and Computer Science,
Taormina - Sicily, Italy, June 15-19, 2014

We are pleased to inform that we received more than 120 applications  
and 60 Abstracts/Posters and, due to many requests, we are extending  
the application *deadline to March 31, 2014.* For this reason, we will  
have up to ~150 slots (no 100 slots as previously written) for  
selected and motivated students.

*Application Deadline: March 31, 2014*

* Speakers & Courses *
+ Uri Alon, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
         Lecture I: Elementary Circuits in Biology
         Lecture II: Evolution and Optimality of Gene Circuits

+ Joel Bader, Johns Hopkins University, USA
         Lecture I: Network Remodeling during Development and Disease
         Lecture II: Gene and Pathway Analysis of Genome-wide  
Association Studies

+ Jef Boeke, Johns Hopkins University, USA
         Lecture I: Genome Synthesis
         Lecture II: Combinatorial DNA Assembly methods and their applications

+ Jason Chin, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
         Lecture I: Reprogramming the Genetic Code

+ Virginia Cornish, Columbia University, USA
         Lecture : TBA

+ Paul Freemont, Imperial College London, UK
         Lecture I: Foundational Technologies for Synthetic Biology -  
from DNA Assembly to Part Characterisation
         Lecture II: Synthetic biology designs for biosensor applications

+ Farren Isaacs, Yale University, USA
         Lecture I: Genome engineering technologies for rapid editing  
& evolution organisms
         Lecture II: Design, construction & function of genomically  
recoded organisms

+ Tanja Kortemme, University of California San Francisco, USA
         Lecture I: Computational protein design - principles,  
challenges and progress
         Lecture II: Design of reprogrammed and new functions - from  
proteins to cells

+ Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy
         Lecture I: Biological Circuit Design by Pareto Optimality
         Lecture II: Programming Living Molecular Machines for Biofuel  

+ Sven Panke, ETH, Switzerland
         Lecture I: Synthetic Biology of Cell free Systems
         Lecture II: Exploiting Engineered Cell-Cell Communications in  
Large Scale Biotechnology

+ Rahul Sarpeshkar, MIT, USA
         Lecture I: Analog versus Digital Computation in Biology
         Lecture II: Analog Synthetic and Systems Biology

+ Giovanni Stracquadanio, Johns Hopkins University, USA
         Lecture I: Minimal Genomes: High-Throughput Sequencing,  
Statistical Methods and Physics Models to Unveil Minimal Yeast  
Chromosomes Compatible with Life
         Lecture II: Computational Tools for Genome editing,  
Combinatorial Assembly and Workflow Tracking

+ Ron Weiss, MIT, USA
         Lecture : TBA

*School Directors*
+ Jef Boeke, Johns Hopkins University, USA
+ Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy
+ Mario Pavone, University of Catania, Italy
+ Giovanni Stracquadanio, Johns Hopkins University, USA

*Short Talk and Poster Submission*
Students may submit a research abstract for presentation. School  
directors will review the abstracts and will recommend for poster or  
short-oral presentation. Abstract should be submitted by *February 15,  
2014*. The abstracts will be published on the electronic hands-out  
material of the summer school.

Co-located Event: The 3rd International Synthetic Yeast Genome (Sc2.0)  
Meeting will be held in Taormina Friday June 20, 2014                                    

Dr. Mario Pavone (PhD)
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Catania
V.le A. Doria 6 - 95125 Catania, Italy
tel: 0039 095 7383038
fax: 0039 095 330094
International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School
* Biology meets Engineering and Computer Science *
June 15-19, 2014 - Taormina, Italy
12th European Conference on Artificial Life - ECAL 2013
September 2-6, 2013 - Taormina, Italy

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2014 12:16:29 UTC