Semantic Web Journal Special Call for Papers: Big Data and the Semantic Web

Semantic Web Journal
Special Call for Papers on

Big Data and the Semantic Web

The Semantic Web journal calls for innovative and high-quality papers 
describing the role of Semantic Web technologies, Linked Data, and 
ontologies for the Big Data age. Papers should clearly relate to one or 
more of the Big Data V's Volume, Variety, and Velocity, as well as 
demonstrate the added value of semantics. Besides theoretical 
contributions on reasoning over massive amounts of heterogeneous data 
and challenges for knowledge representation and interlinkage, we 
especially also invite reports from domain scientists detailing the use 
of ontologies and Semantic Web technologies in bioinformatics, 
geographic information science, life sciences, cultural heritage 
research, the digital humanities, and other research areas.

We welcome all paper categories, i.e., full research papers, application 
reports, systems and tools, ontology papers, surveys, as well as dataset 
reports as long as they clearly relate to challenges and opportunities 
arising from processing Big Data - see our listing of paper types in the 
author guidelines.

Topics include but are not limited to

     Semantic search and information seeking
     Exploratory interfaces for massive amounts of annotated data
     Intelligent information interchange
     Semantic interoperability and heterogeneity
     Inductive and abductive approaches to ontology learning
     Handling uncertainty, vagueness, and inconsistencies
     Knowledge discovery from linked data
     Collaborative Ontology engineering
     Microtheories and knowledge patterns
     Ontology modularization
     Ontology evolution
     Ontology alignment, matching, and translation
     Analogy and similarity reasoning and retrieval
     Sensor semantics and smart dust
     Stream reasoning
     Distributed reasoning
     Semantics-based data aggregation and generalization
     Semantically enabled statistics
     Massive data integration for the digital earth
     Linked science
     The User as knowledge engineer
     Semantics and decision support systems
     Semantics-driven integrity constraint checking
     Mining the Social and Mobile Web
     Ontology-driven data visualization
     Trust and privacy issues in publishing and reasoning about Big Data
     Dialog and question answering systems based on Linked Data and 

Important Dates
Manuscript submission due: 30th of June 2012
First notification: 7th of September 2012
Issue publication: Spring 2013

The special issue on Big Data and the Semantic Web calls for original 
high-quality research on any of the above mentioned topics. Authors are 
requested to follow the author guidelines, submit online as detailed in 
the author guidelines, and include the name of the call within the 
submission letter. All manuscripts will be reviewed based on the SWJ 
open and transparent review policy and will be made available during 
online the review process.

In case of questions, please contact the Editors-in-chief:

Krzysztof Janowicz
Pascal Hitzler

Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Dept. of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Semantic Web Textbook:
Semantic Web Journal:

Received on Friday, 30 March 2012 01:57:54 UTC