Fwd: KI-2012: Last Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals, Deadline: March 15, 2012


            Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals at KI-2012

KI 2012, the 35th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, invites 
workshop and tutorial proposals from all areas of AI, its fundamentals, 
its algorithms, and its applications.

Together with the main conference, we plan to organize a small number of 
high-quality workshops and tutorials that any participant, whether 
graduate student or experienced researcher and practitioner, may attend.

*General Information*

Workshops will be free of charge for conference participants and will be 
held on the first day of the conference. We are interested in 
submissions of full-day (6 hours) and half-day (3 hours) workshops. They 
should preferably be given in English.
Tutorials  will be free of charge for conference participants and will 
be held at the first day of the conference. Tutorials will be free of 
charge for conference participants and will be held on the first day of 
the conference. We are soliciting proposals for full-day (6 hours) and 
half-day (3 hours) tutorials as well as mini-tutorials (1.5 hours). 
Tutorials should preferably be given in English.

The KI 2012 conference organizers will provide logistic support and 
meeting rooms for the workshops and tutorials and will determine the 
dates and times of the workshops. Working and teaching material will be 
printed by the conference organization. Workshop volumes are limited to 
a total of 200 pages.

*How to Propose a Workshop*

Proposals should be prepared in PDF, or plain ASCII (two pages) and sent 
by email to the KI 2012 Workshop Chair. Each workshop proposal should 
provide the following information:
- Description of workshop topic and goal.
- This description should discuss the relevance of the suggested topic 
and its interest to the general AI community and the KI 2012 audience.
- Names and full addresses (including email and web address) of the 
workshop organizer(s). This can be a single person or a group of 
persons. Please indicate the primary contact person for the workshop to 
KI 2012. Strong proposals include organizers who bring differing 
perspectives to the workshop topic and who are actively connected to the 
communities of potential participants.
- Names and affiliation of the members of the Program Committee.
- For which areas of AI do you expect to draw participants for your 
workshop and how many participants do you expect? How do you plan to 
invite participants for the workshop?
- A brief description of the workshop format regarding the mix of events 
such as paper presentation, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, and 
general discussion.
- Do you expect the workshop to be a full-day workshop or a half-day 
- A list of important dates (submission deadline etc.) for the workshop.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for:
- Producing a call for participation. This call will be posted on the KI 
2012 website.
- Organizers are responsible for additional publicity such as 
distributing the call to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing 
lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the KI 
conference community.
- Submissions of the workshop papers will be handled by the workshop 
organizers. Please make sure that you have a proper review process.
- Organizers are encouraged to maintain their own web site with updated 
information about the workshop.
- Coordinating the production of the workshop notes. The workshop 
organizer coordinates the paper collection, production and distribution 
of the working notes for the workshops.

*How to Propose a Tutorial*

Tutorials should give a comprehensive, in-depth perspective on 
innovative AI methods or technologies that have an obvious potential for 
research and/or application and are not covered by typical AI textbooks. 
Proposals for tutorials should be submitted to the tutorial chair, 
Wolfgang Maass [wolfgang.maass@iss.uni-saarland.de]. Prior contact with 
the tutorial chair is encouraged.

Proposal texts should be submitted by e-mail to the Tutorial Chair in 
pdf or plain text format. Annexes may be sent as .pdf, .ppt, or .doc 
format. Each tutorial proposal should provide the following information:
- Descriptions of the tutorial topic, goals, the intended audience, an 
outline of the contents
- Necessary information to point out the importance, quality and 
community interest in the proposed tutorial
- Brief CVs of the tutor(s), including their expertise and teaching 
experience in the field and the intended length of the tutorial 
(half-day, full-day, or mini-tutorial).

Proposers are encouraged to include excerpts of material from recent 
teaching about the proposed topic as an annex of their submission, if 

The organizer(s) of approved tutorials will be responsible for 
advertising their tutorial, e.g., via relevant newsgroups and electronic 
mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the KI 
conference community. Organizers are encouraged to maintain their own 
web site with updated information about the tutorial.

Organizers (including co-organizers) are expected to attend their entire 
tutorial and to provide a summary of the event for presentation to the 
KI-2012 organisers.

*Chairs and Important Dates*

  Workshop Chair: Gabriele Kern-Isberner, TU Dortmund, 
  Deadline for workshop proposals: March 15, 2012
  Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2012
  Workshop proceedings ready: September 1, 2012
  Workshops date: September 24, 2012, Saarbrücken

  Tutorial Chair: Wolfgang Maass, Universität des Saarlandes, 
  Deadline for tutorial proposals: March 15, 2012
  Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2012
  Camera-ready copy of tutorial notes (firm): July 31, 2012
  Tutorials date: September 24, 2012, Saarbrücken

Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 17:14:23 UTC