- From: ICDM 2012 <icdmxw@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 11:42:01 +0200
----------------------------------------------------------------- ICDM '12 (The 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining) Final Call for Papers ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society December 10-13, 2012, Brussels, Belgium http://icdm2012.ua.ac.be/ * To unsubscribe from this mailing list: send an e-mail with body * * "unsubscribe icdm" to listserv@listserv.cc.kuleuven.ac.be * Important Dates *************** - Conference full paper submissions: June 18, 2012 [One week from now!] - Conference paper notifications: September 18, 2012 - Camera-ready copies and copyright forms: October 15, 2012 The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining series (ICDM) has established itself as the world's premier research conference in data mining. ICDM '12 provides a leading international forum for the presentation of original research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative ideas, drawing researchers and practitioners from a wide range of data mining related areas such as statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, databases, visualization, and high performance computing. By promoting novel, high quality research findings, and innovative solutions to challenging data mining problems, the conference seeks to continuously advance the state-of-the-art in data mining. Besides the technical program, the conference will feature invited talks from research and industry leaders, as well as workshops, tutorials, panels, and the ICDM data mining contest. Paper Submissions ***************** We invite high quality submissions on all aspects of data mining and knowledge discovery. Papers should be original and innovative, rigorously evaluated and well-presented. Broad areas of interest include, but are not limited to (see http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~icdm/Topics.shtml for a more detailed list of topics): * Novel Algorithms * Theory and Foundations * Systems and Frameworks * Innovative Applications * Large-scale Approaches All submitted papers will be judged based on their significance, originality, repeatability, and clarity. Substantially similar papers that have already been accepted, or are simultaneously under review during the ICDM review period will not be considered. Papers will be triple-blind reviewed and should be limited to a maximum of 10 pages. Papers that do not comply with the Submission Guidelines (available at http://icdm2012.ua.ac.be) will be rejected without review. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Regular paper will be allocated 10 pages in the proceedings, and longer oral presentation time, whereas short papers will be allowed 6 pages in the proceedings, with shorter oral presentation time. A selected number of IEEE ICDM '12 top-ranked papers will be invited for possible inclusion, in expanded and revised form, in the Knowledge and Information Systems journal (http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~kais/) published by Springer. Repeatability Guidelines: To ensure the long term viability of data mining research, every effort should be made to provide the source-code (or executables), as well as the datasets (or their closest publicly available equivalents). The experimental results section should mention all relevant implementation details and parameter specifications, so that the results can be independently duplicated. The ICDM '12 paper review system is at http://wi-lab.com/cyberchair/2012/icdm12/scripts/submit.php ICDM Best Paper Awards ********************** IEEE ICDM Best Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference on the authors of (1) the best research paper, (2) the best application paper, and (3) the best student paper. Strong, foundational results will be considered for the best research paper award and application-oriented submissions will be considered for the best application paper award. A best student paper award will also be given. Student Travel Scholarships *************************** A selected number of student travel scholarships will be available to support student authors to attend ICDM '12 to present their papers. The student travel scholarship committee will make the final decision for the final awarded students. In general, US$500 to US$1000 will be awarded to each successful applicant. Organizing Committee ******************** Conference Co-Chairs: * Bart Goethals (University of Antwerp, Belgium) * Geoff Webb (Monash University, Australia) Program Co-Chairs: * Arno Siebes (Utrecht University, Netherlands) * Jeffrey Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) * Mohammed J. Zaki (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Further Information ******************* Please contact ICDM '12 Chairs by email: icdm2012chairs@gmail.com
Received on Monday, 11 June 2012 09:47:46 UTC