- From: Piotr Kulicki <kulicki@l3g.pl>
- Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 18:41:32 +0200
- To: <www-rdf-rules@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <027501cd1b26$9db849a0$6501a8c0@gagatek>
Second Call for Papers WELL-FOUNDED EVERYDAY ONTOLOGIES - DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATIONS & APPLICATIONS (WEO-DIA) http://www.fedcsis.org/weo-dia The paper submission deadline is approaching -- April 22nd 2012. (Please distribute, accepting our apologies for cross-posting) The workshop is supported by The International Association for Ontology and its ApplicationsIAOA (see http://www.iaoa.org/iaoasupportedevents/iaoasupportedevents.php) It is associated with the 7th International Symposium: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'12), which is a part of Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), to be held in Wrocław, Poland, 9-12 September 2012, under auspices of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. For more news about FedCSIS see http://www.fedcsis.org/node ------------------- Paper publication ------------------- a) Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF of MSWord file) that should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style). b) Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and included in the IEEE XploreR database. They will be also submitted for indexation in: DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Google Scholar, Inspec, Scirus, SciVerse Scopus and Thomson Reuters - Conference Proceedings Citation Index c) Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference will be published as a Special Issue of LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence journal (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/transactions+cci?SGWID=0-173802-0-0-0). d) Papers submitted for WEO-DIA will take part in a competition for Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak Best Paper Awards http://www.fedcsis.org/?q=node/47 ------------------------ Important dates ----------------------- a) Paper submission: April 22, 2012 b) Author notification: June 17, 2012 c) Final submission and registration: July 8, 2012 d) Workshop date: September 9, 2012, Wrocław, Poland ------------------------------------------------- Organizers and Program Committee members ------------------------------------------------- Garbacz, Paweł, (Co-Chair), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, Józefowska, Joanna, (Co-Chair), Poznań University of Technology, Poland, Katarzyniak, Radosław (Co-Chair), Wrocław University of Technology, Poland, Blomqvist, Eva, Linköping University, Sweden Borgo, Stefano, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Italy Budzyńska, Katarzyna, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland Carrara, Massimiliano, Universita di Padova, Italy Cybulka, Jolanta, Poznań University of Technology, Poland, Goczyła, Krzysztof, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland Kaczmarek, Janusz, Łódź University, Poland Kulicki, Piotr, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, Ławrynowicz, Agnieszka, Poznań University of Technology, Poland Martinek, Jacek, Poznań University of Technology, Poland Mizoguchi, Riichiro, Osaka University, Japan Morshed, Ahsan, Food and Agricultural Organization of UN (FAO), Italy Nalepa, Grzegorz J., AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Palma, Raúl , Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland Soldatova, Larisa N., The University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom Vacura, Miroslav, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic Węcel, Krzysztof, Poznań University of Economics, Poland
Received on Sunday, 15 April 2012 16:42:44 UTC