- From: Raúl García Castro <rgarcia@fi.upm.es>
- Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:53:06 +0200
- To: www-rdf-rules@w3.org
ASWC 2009 Call for Posters and Demos http://www.aswc2009.org/research-paper-track/callpostersdemos Fourth Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009) 6-9 December, 2009 Shangai, China The Asian Semantic Web Conference is the yearly conference on theoretical foundations, technological building blocks and practical applications of semantic technologies on the Asian continent. Targeted at both academia and industry, the conference will present the latest research and development of the Semantic Web and its related technologies. It will bring together researchers in relevant disciplines such as artificial intelligence, knowledge modeling, logic, databases, social networks, Web services, distributed computing, Web engineering, information systems, natural language processing, multimedia, and human-computer interaction. As integral part of this conference, the poster and demo track is an opportunity for researchers and developers to present late-breaking achievements, ongoing projects, and innovative early ideas. It should provide authors and attendees a forum for exchanging experiences and establishing potential future collaborations. We welcome different types of poster submissions, ranging from descriptions of completed research and work in progress to more technical topics and practical applications. Demo submissions are intended to showcase innovative Semantic Web implementations and technologies. Demos are intended to convey a scientific result or work in progress and are not intended as advertisements for software packages. A detailed list of suggested topics can be found in the Call for Papers of the main conference. *Submissions* Poster and Demo submissions must be written in English and must be no longer than 2 pages. The maximum number of pages allowed includes all figures. Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format and must be formatted in the style of the Springer Publications for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Papers that exceed the 2 pages limit, do not follow the LNCS guidelines or are not submitted as PDF documents will be automatically rejected without a review. Full papers rejected in the other tracks, notably the research track of ASWC2009, will not automatically be considered for the poster track. A separate poster submission must be made. A poster can be provided in addition to a paper accepted for presentation in the research track or can be used to present work that was insufficiently mature to be accepted there. Submissions will be evaluated for acceptability by a committee of independent reviewers. Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to the call, originality, potential impact and quality of the presentation. Posters and demos must be submitted via the Easychair system prior to the submission deadline: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aswc2009 At least one of the authors must be a registered participant at the conference, and attend the Poster and Demo session to present the work. *Important Dates* 17 September 2009. Submission of poster and demo descriptions 1 October 2009. Notification of acceptance 15 October 2009. Camera-ready versions *ASWC 2009 Poster and Demo Chair* Raúl García Castro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Received on Friday, 11 September 2009 13:53:53 UTC