- From: Paulo CG Costa <pcosta@gmu.edu>
- Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 17:51:29 -0400
- To: OIC 2009 Mail-Lists <pcosta@gmu.edu>
- Message-id: <5B25DEF0-C5AF-44AD-B342-B5F817F668E1@gmu.edu>
Apologies for multiple postings! It is not too late to register for OIC 09! October 20-22 at the Fairfax Campus at George Mason University. October 20 (optional) one-day tutorial presented by Leo Obrst http://c4i.gmu.edu/OIC09/workshop.php October 21-22 OIC 09 conference: http://c4i.gmu.edu/OIC09/index.php To register: http://guest.cvent.com/EVENTS/Info/Summary.aspx?e=fe0f4e77-65dd-438d-a993-45f9478f8ab2 Hope you can join us! Paulo Costa, Kathryn Laskey, Leo Obrst - OIC 2009 Organizing Committee < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ONTOLOGY FOR THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY OIC 2009 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Tuesday, October 20 Tutorial 08:20 - 09:00 Registration and Breakfast 09:00 - 10:20 Tutorial Session 1 Syntax, Semantics, Ontology Spectrum, Taxonomies 10:20 - 10:40 Coffee Break 10:40 - 12:00 Tutorial Session 2 Thesauri, Conceptual Models, Logical Theories (Strong Ontologies) 12:00 - 01:20 Lunch Break 01:20 - 02:40 Tutorial Session 3 Knowledge Representation, Logic, Ontological Engineering 02:40 - 03:00 Coffee Break 03:00 - 04:20 Tutorial Session 4 The Semantic Web Wednesday, October 21 08:30 - 09:30 Registration and Breakfast 09:30 - 09:40 Welcome 09:40 - 10:40 Keynote Address Chris Welty - The Evolving Role of Rules and Ontologies in the Semantic Web As the semantic web evolves with new standards (like OWL-2 and RIF), and more data (like Linked Open Data), the role of ontologies and rules in semantic web applications is evolving as well. In this talk I will briefly present highlights of the new standards and discuss where the technology and data seem to be taking us, and what role they will play as the web of data continues to evolve. (Bio) 10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 - 11:40 Plenary Paper Session 11:00 - 11:40 Substance-Blind Classification of Evidence for Intelligence Analysis paper David Schum, Gheorge Tecuci, and Mihai Boicu Abstract 11:40 - 01:20 Lunch Break 01:20 - 03:20 Plenary Paper Session 01:20 - 02:00 Towards an Effective Methodology for Rapidly Developing Component-Based Domain Ontologies paper Troy Self and Dave Kolas Abstract 02:00 - 02:40 Supporting the Analytic Knowledge Manager: Formal Methods for Ontology Display and Management paper Alan Chappell, Anthony Bladek, Cliff Joslyn, Eric Marshall, Liam McGrath, Patrick Paulson, Sean Stolberg, and Amanda White Abstract 02:40 - 03:20 Contributions to a Semantically-Based Intelligence Analysis Enterprise Workflow System paper Robert Schrag, Jon Pastor, Chris Long, Eric Peterson, Mark Cornwell, and Lance Forbes Abstract 03:20 - 03:40 Coffee Break 03:40 - 05:00 Plenary Paper Session 03:40 - 04:20 Universal Core Semantic Layer paper Barry Smith, Lowell Vizenor, and James Schoening Abstract 04:20 - 05:00 Referent Tracking for Command and Control Messaging Systems paper Shahid Manzoor, Werner Ceusters, and Barry Smith Abstract 05:30 Transportation to Marriott 06:00 - 08:00 Conference Dinner Thursday, October 22 08:30 - 09:00 Breakfast 09:00 - 10:00 Keynote Address Doug Lenat - Mistakes Were Made Douglas Lenat founded and has run the Cyc project since 1984, leading a team building a large and broad ontology, knowledge base, and inference engine. This talk will describe some of the lessons learned along the way, ranging from representation of knowledge, to choice of what knowledge to represent, to knowledge acquisition methodologies, to reasoning strategies and tactics. It will showcase some of the applications that forced Cyc to grapple with large amounts of data, multiple sources, contradictory information, and so on, which have largely come from the intelligence community and (perhaps surprisingly, to this audience) from the clinical research community. Dr. Lenat's work in machine learning won the Computers and Thought Award; he helped establish the AAAI, and is a Fellow of the AAAI and of the AAAS. Prior to Cyc, Dr. Lenat was a computer science faculty member at Stanford and CMU, and he will briefly touch on a few "learning experiences" he had back then, that laid the foundation for his being able to make the mistakes of the last 25 years. 10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break 10:20 - 11:40 Plenary Paper Session 10:20 - 11:00 An Ontological Approach to Information Access Control and Provenance paper Bill Andersen and Fabian Neuhaus Abstract 11:00 - 11:40 Course of Action Planning Ontology paper Timothy Darr Abstract 11:40 - 01:20 Lunch Break 01:20 - 02:00 Plenary Paper Session 01:020 - 02:00 Higher Order Uncertainty and Evidential Ontologies paper Justin Brody Abstract 02:00 - 02:40 Plenary Discussion NCOR Barry Smith 02:40 - 03:00 Coffee Break 03:00 - 04:00 Panel Discussion The Future of the OIC Leo Obrst 04:00 - 04:10 Wrap Up
Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2009 22:16:00 UTC